How to Disable WordPress XML-RPC for Better Security?

Improving the security of your WordPress site is crucial. I’ve spent countless hours fine-tuning my sites and one thing I always pay attention to is the XML-RPC feature. If you’re like me and want to ensure your site is as secure as possible, disabling XML-RPC might be the way to go.

In this post, I’ll guide you through three easy methods to disable XML-RPC and explain why it’s a good idea.

What is XML-RPC?

XML-RPC, as described on the official site, is a specification and a set of implementations that allow software on different operating systems to make procedure calls over the Internet.

In simpler terms, it lets applications interact with your WordPress site, allowing external apps to connect, transmit, and process data.

Why Disable XML-RPC?

Imagine you have a secure house, but there’s a backdoor that’s rarely used. This backdoor is XML-RPC. While it’s generally secure, it’s often targeted by spammers and hackers looking for a way in.

Though WordPress itself is secure out of the box, vulnerabilities can arise from third-party plugins or themes. Disabling XML-RPC can close this potential entry point, especially if you’re not using it.

Method 1: Disable XML-RPC via Plugin

The easiest way to disable XML-RPC is by using a plugin. The WordPress Plugin Directory has several free plugins that effectively disable XML-RPC functionality. Here are my top picks:


  • Fast and easy to implement
  • No coding required


  • Less efficient compared to server-level solutions

Using a plugin is straightforward. You just install it, activate it, and you’re done. However, keep in mind that while it disables XML-RPC, your server still has to process the request, which can use more resources compared to blocking it at the server level.

Method 2: Disable XML-RPC via WordPress Code

If you’re comfortable with a bit of coding, you can disable XML-RPC by adding snippets to your child theme’s functions.php file. Here’s how you can do it:

To disable authenticated methods:

add_filter('xmlrpc_enabled', '__return_false');

This snippet disables any XML-RPC methods that require authentication, such as publishing, editing, or deleting posts.

To disable all XML-RPC functionality:

function wcwiz_disable_xmlrpc($methods) {
	return array();
add_filter('xmlrpc_methods', 'wcwiz_disable_xmlrpc');

You even can use this code snippet:

add_filter('xmlrpc_methods', '__return_empty_array');

This effectively disables all XML-RPC methods by passing an empty array via the xmlrpc_methods filter hook.

To disable the X-Pingback header:

function wcwiz_disable_x_pingback($headers) {
	unset ($headers['X-Pingback']);
	return $headers;
add_filter('wp_headers', 'wcwiz_disable_x_pingback');

Disabling the X-Pingback header is logical if XML-RPC is turned off because pingbacks rely on XML-RPC to function.


  • More flexible and customizable than a plugin
  • Can be tailored to specific needs


  • Requires adding code
  • Still less efficient than server-level solutions

This method is great if you prefer more control over your site’s functionality. You can customize the code to fit your needs and integrate it directly into your theme or a custom plugin.

Method 3: Disable XML-RPC at the Server Level

For the most efficient solution, you can block access to xmlrpc.php at the server level. This method prevents the server from processing any XML-RPC requests, saving resources.

Using Apache/.htaccess:

With mod_alias:

<IfModule mod_alias.c>
	RedirectMatch 403 (?i)/xmlrpc\.php

This directive blocks all access to xmlrpc.php by returning a 403 “Forbidden” response for all requests.

With mod_authz_core:

# Protect xmlrpc.php (Apache 2.2)
<Files xmlrpc.php>
	Order Allow,Deny
	Deny from all

# Protect xmlrpc.php (Apache 2.4+)
<Files xmlrpc.php>
		Require all denied

This snippet also blocks access but uses Apache’s authorization module.

Using Nginx:

location /xmlrpc.php {
	deny all;

This directive for Nginx is straightforward and effective, denying all requests to xmlrpc.php.


  • Highly efficient
  • Minimal server resource usage


  • Requires access to server configuration

Blocking XML-RPC at the server level ensures that your server doesn’t waste resources processing unwanted requests. It’s the most efficient method but does require access to and familiarity with server configuration files.


Disabling XML-RPC can significantly enhance your WordPress site’s security. Whether you choose to use a plugin, add custom code, or modify your server settings, you’re taking a proactive step to protect your site.

Always remember to test your site after making these changes to ensure everything works as expected.

Security is an ongoing process, and staying informed is key to keeping your site safe.

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